Thursday 6 January 2011

New year mark 2: Newer year

This blog was started as part of my New Year's resolutions last year. I think it's pretty safe to say that I failed miserably on all accounts there... I'm going to give it another go though. Nothing too specific this time, I'm keeping it simple.

I will update this blog at least once every week I possibly can.

Now I'm aware that most of the people who follow this blog are the same people I see in the studio every day, so I'm relying on you lot. If it gets to Thursday or Friday and I haven't updated yet, just come over and punch me in the face... Or tell me to post a blog... Or something... You get the idea, get me telt.

Anyway, to start us off I've got something a little different. My little sister had to do a self portrait from a mirror as part of her Standard Grade Art and it got me thinking. I only ever seem to draw with pencil these days and it's always cartoons as well. So here's an oil pastel self portrait, drawn from a mirror.

Talk about oily skin, eh? The proportions are off, I seem to have subconsciously prettied myself up a little... The whole thing is a bit rough in general and I haven't used oil pastel for absolute donkeys. Also the paper I used has some weird relief lettering on it which I didn't notice til it was bleeding through my picture... Ach weil, see you next week.


  1. Awesome =D I remember having to do that in Art a lot...

    I've found self-portraits tend to go either way - self-flattery or self-deprication. It's definately you though ^_^

  2. I like it! Oil pastels are always fun to work with :D
